Oi família!
This week was fun.
We´ve had a number of missionaries that had to go home early this
transfer because of school, and the majority of them were Zone Leaders. So, Tuesday night, our District Leader, Élder
Toffoletto, got a call from the Assistants congratulating him that he had been
called as a new Zone Leader in the Sumaré Zone!
I heard that and I just about went crazy because that´s where I began as
a Zone Leader. I was telling him a bunch
of stuff, "Élder you´re going to meet Antonio, and Marília, and Irmã
Meire, and Irmão whatshisbucket and Irmã brazilianname and it´s awesome
there!!!" So, because he was
transfered, we were walking in trio this week with Élder R. Oliveira until the
real transfer. It was a little crazy
because we were covering a really big chunck of area, but we worked it out.
Élder Helvey and I are staying together for one more transfer. Élder Lessa will be coming in as Élder R.
Oliveira´s new companion and Élder R. Oliveira is our new District Leader!
We had some awesome experiences this week with Aurilene from
last week. She´s been devouring
everything that we´ve taught her. After our last lesson that I reported about
the Book of Mormon she has progressed a lot.
We headed over there Tuesday and we asked, "so, did you pray about
the Book of Mormon?" She said that
she had. She explained, "Well, I
went to read the Book of Mormon and beforehand I prayed to know if it was
true. After I prayed I was filled with
the most wonderful feeling of joy! I was
so filled that I didn´t know what to do, so I hugged the Book of Mormon! I know that our church is true!" It was awesome. But in general she´s be
progressing super well. Every time we go
over she has a bunch of questions for us to answer. The best part is that she studies the stuff
that we leave with her for the next lesson.
Saturday we left the Word of Wisdom pamphlet and the assignment to begin
reading the Book of Mormon from the beginning.
When we got to her house yesterday she said, "So, I read the
pamphlet and I wanted to know a little bit more so I did the addicional study
here in this back part. If you guys
could open your scriptures to..." and she began to teach us about what she
had learned. Then we were reveiwing the
Book of Mormon and she said, "It makes so much more sense when you read
from the begining. I´ve already read until
1 Nephi 13." Seriously. She read 13 chapters, the Word of Wisdom
pamphlet, and the addicional study in one day.
Elect? 100%! We talked with here about baptism as well and
she´s accepted April 5th as here baptismal date (conference baptism!) and we
are so excited. Élder Helvey and I had a
rough last transfer with people falling through, people moving, people
disappearing, but now we´re begining to see the fruits of our labors. I´m also
seeing the power that the Book of Mormon has in our lives. I´m so grateful for the Book of Mormon and the
difference that it has made in my life.
So, why is my e-mail entitled "The Last 25?" If you remember, in my e-mail from November
17th, I talked about my history as a swimmer compared to my service as a
missionary. (For those of you who didn´t
receive this e-mail you can find it at http://eldertrentevans.blogspot.com/
) In this e-mail, I explained how the
mission is comparable to the 400 IM because it´s 16 lengths of the pool, the
same way that the mission for foreign language elders is 16 transfers in the
field. Well, I´m on my last one. My last transfer. My last length. For those of you that know how my race
strategy was, this length is a full-out sprint.
There´s no more playing around.
120% until the end. This is the
truth. There is no denying it. This is the one and only message that can
bring true eternal happiness to this world.
I know that this is the true church of Jesus Christ.
Amo vocês! Até o
Élder Evans