Oi família!
Well, this week was full of cool spiritual experiences. A lot of stuff happened and we had a lot of
miracles. At the same time we also
passed for a lot of difficulties and challanges, but what´s new in missionary
work? I´ve come to see how every single
moment of the mission is inspired because until now I´m learning things that I
know will help me in the future. I´ve
seen how in these super critical end moments of the mission is when the Lord is
really beginning to warn me about the challenges I will face in the future and
how the mission has prepared me for that.
That being said, I still have a lot of things to work on, but I know the
timing of the Lord is perfect and I will be able to improve before the
end. I testify of the power of the
Atonement of Jesus Christ. It is the
fact that the Lord suffered and died and ressurected for us that we will be
able to better ourselves each and every day.
The Sacrament is our oportunity each week to review our performance with
the Lord and promise to Him that we will do better in the following week. I felt this powerfully yesterday as I
reviewed with the Lord my efforts to become more humble and how He has helped
me. In that we reviewed how I can better
myself even more, because of my Savior Jesus Christ.
We had two experiences this week that I wanted to share
because the two were so cool. So, reviewing.
Remember Roseangela? The one who
has a son named Zeus? Well, we went to
see here again this week. We began conversing with them and seeing how life was
and how the Holy Week was (the week before Easter is called Holy Week here) and
how things were in general. Then we got
around to the church and the message of the Restoration that we had left with
them. They admitted how they hadn´t
prayed to ask if it was true and then Irmã Roseangela said, "I really
liked the church of Jesus Christ and I want to go back. I also really really like being catholic
though, so is there any problem if I keep going to church with you guys and
still not be baptized?" We
explained that she would be welcome at church any and every time that she wants
and from there we began reviewing prayer and answers with her and her
kids. The Spirit was so strong as we
taught and testified of the truthfulness of the gospel. What was even better was that they understood
completely about the restoration of the pristhood, the authority of God, in
these last days by means of a living prophet.
We explained how they will only be able to know these things through
prayer and we, together with our member-present Wylamis, know of these things
because we received revelation from on high.
It was awesome. They really
enjoyed the lesson and accepted the invitation once again to pray and lear that
all of this is true.
The other was with Irmã Aurileni. First, she was confirmed yesterday and it was
awesome!!! We´ve been working our tails
off for months now and the Lord has rewarded our work with an amazing
convert. We headed there on Friday night
to see how things were doing and to explain about the confirmation and all of
that jazz. Well, we taught and she was
excited and then she began asking us "Why did you guys decide to serve a
mission? Did you guys feel a
confirmation from the Spirit that this was necessary?" We all testified that we had and I related my
experience about the day after I received my calling. I remember that I went to the temple to do
baptisms for the last time and as I was walking through the halls of the
baptistry, it just felt right. There´s
no other way to really describe it other than that. I knew that it was the Lord´s will that I
served a mission and that I was doing the right thing. Then I explained why. Exactly because He knew that one day I would
run into Aurileni and be able to help her accept the gospel. Then she said to us, "Well, I know that
you´re here for the right reasons then.
I asked to know if you were here serving because you felt an obligation
to be here or if you were serving because you truly love what it is that you
teach. I know that you are here because
you truly love this message." We
testified that that is true. I love the
gospel of Jesus Christ and the church that He established in these last
days. One things I have learned as I´ve
been reading the Ezra Taft Benson book from this year is about what it means to
love the church, and more importantly, why this matters to us. I know that this is the Lord´s restored
church in these latter-days and I love it with all my heart. I love to be a member of it and to be able to
proclaim this message to every creature.
This is the truth. There is no
other way. Christ is calling us. We need to respond.
Amo vocês! Até o
Élder Evans
Foto - Aurileni´s
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