Oi familia!
I seriously cannot believe that it's been four months.
At times, I definitely can see how I feel like I've been out here
forever. But, in the grand scheme of time, I feel like my time as a
missionary has been so short.
So transfers are this Wednesday, but we don't really
need to worry. Elder Weaver and I are staying together in Wellington
(transfer number 3!) and we're super excited to be here. We're getting
another visa-waiter moved to our district (Sister Beus from Tremonton) and
beyond that our whole district is staying the exact same. We're super
pumped for that. Elder Weaver and I were discussing the other day how
close our district was and how thrilled we are that we got to serve with them,
and now it gets to continue!
So, our cool experience of the week didn't really have
anything to do with an investigator, though we had a number of cool teaching
experiences this week. Elder Weaver and I had to share a miracle story
during our conference call this week and we were discussing what to share last night.
The whole time we were talking about it we said "We've definitely
seen miracles this transfer, but none of them feel like we should share
them." Then we pondered for a bit and we both said, "we need to
share about our class", so the story goes like this. Last transfer,
nearer to the end, I was frustrated that we were seeing less member missionary
work than I wanted to see, so Elder Sutherland and I sought for some
inspiration about how we could get more member involvement. Elder
Sutherland and I came up with ideas of sharing Preach My Gospel and The
District (training videos we watch) with the ward. We presented the idea
to something of a lukewarm response from the Ward Council. Then I brought the
idea to Elder Motes and he thought it would be cool and we should present it,
to which we got a slightly better response. Then Elder Weaver and I presented
it a third time to the Ward Council and they started to catch the vision.
Elder Weaver and I had companion study the next day and said, "It's
probably going to be a lot better if we actually show up with a plan and an
idea of something we want to do, rather than just say 'oh, we have an idea of
something...'" so we went to work. We watched videos, we examined
Preach My Gospel, and after about a week of planning and prayer we presented
the idea to the Ward Council. They loved it and asked us to show it to
the Bishop when he returned from vacation. We went back home and for
companion study every day until then, we reviewed it. We refined it.
We pruned some pieces while letting other pieces grow and develop.
We wanted to make sure that everything we said, presented, testified, and
did, was 100% the will of the Lord. We presented it to the Bishop in it's
finalized format and he said "Absolutely. Do it for the 5th Sundaymeeting
in two weeks." During this time, the Stake and the Ward have really
began pushing member missionary work and President Willams (stake president)
said, "Delete the old way of doing missionary work from your minds.
It's time for a new vision." We went into class yesterday with
the Spirit bearing powerful witness to us that this lesson was in the Lord's
hands. We went to and taught and testified with the Spirit. After
the lesson was over Elder Weaver and I both agreed, that everything we said was
exactly what the Lord wanted the people of the ward to hear so they could catch
this new vision of missionary work. Our emphasis was on inviting.
Simply inviting people to partake of this glorious thing we call the
gospel. If we don't invite, they can't see what we have. So, go and
invite! Invite people to church! Invite people to read the Book of
Mormon! Invite people to come unto Christ! Invite people everywhere to be a
part of the gospel of peace and joy!
The gospel is true. I'm spending two years of my life
proclaiming the most glorious message the world has known, second to the coming
of Jesus Christ Himself. I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet.
The Book of Mormon is the word of God. The Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter-Day Saints is the kingdom of God once again established on the earth.
We have modern prophets and we have the opportunity to hear from them
this weekend. What a blessing!
Eu vos amo!
Elder Evans