Monday, January 12, 2015

Água!!! (Water!!!)

Oi família!

Guess who got baptized?!?  That´s right, Maia and José!!!  Maia told us afterwards about her feelings during the service.  She said, "I felt so strongly that regardless of what I had done in the past that after I left the water that all of my sins would be forgiven 100%."  It was an awesome day. 

We had a super awesome experience this week during an exchange.  I took Élder Toffoletto to my area to work.  We were on fire!  We talked to every person in the street and we had some awesome finding experiences.  We ran into one woman and we said "Hey, what´s your name?" and she said, "I´m Ana Paula, yes I can visit your church with you".  We were both thinking, "seriously, this never happens!"  We didn´t even say where we were from, or that we wanted her to come to church, she just invited herself.  But the really cool part was the end of the day.  We were on the way after our last apointment fell through and we passed by this house with an older couple sitting in their garage.  We walked by not thinking much, and then Élder Toffoletto and I stopped, looked at each other and said, "we need to go back there".  So, we headed back and they let us in.  As we were getting to know them I saw a lady back in the kitchen that, after seeing us, quickly left my sight.  We said, "Who is that back there?" 
Them: Oh, that´s Natalia
Us: Invite her to come hear our message
Them: Ok.  NATALIA!!!  COME HERE!!!
Well, Natalia was the sister of the lady that I saw but during the conversation she said, "ya know, I always wanted to visit your church, but my mom never let me" so we began a little lesson.  We opened in the scriptures to 2 Nephi 2:30 which reads:
I have spoken these few words unto you all, my sons, in the last days of my probation; and I have chosen the good part, according to the words of the prophet. And I have none other object save it be the everlasting welfare of your souls. Amen.
We explained how today there is a living prophet leading and guiding the children of God here on earth and how we knew these things.  More than that, we testified that they could also know of these truths if they would pray about our message.  It was amazing to feel the power of the Holy Ghost testifying to what I said as we spoke to them.  We finished with the invite to come to church and Natalia said, "I will go.  Absolutely"  The parents didn´t have much interest, but I loved how the Lord used us as tools to find one of His daughters who is ready to hear the good message. 

I know that Jesus Christ lives.  I know that His church is restored here on the earth in our day.  I know that Joseph Smith was His prophet and that Thomas S. Monson is His prophet on the earth today.  I know that the Lord will respond to every humble seaker of truth the same way that he responded to me and to millions of other people on the earth.  I love this work.  I am His servant. 
Amo vocês!  Vocês são os caras!  Até o próximo!

Élder Evans

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